Monday, August 31, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009
NZ 2.0
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I think it is time to add some more images, my blog is starting to look a little dull sorry guys.
I didn't spend much time on pbworks as I didn't find it very easy to navigate, maybe it was just me, but I got confused so added to the skillsbox I think it worked, and then got out of there, call me impatient but I don't have as much time to spend on things I don't enjoy using. Also since I now have so many different things to belong too, it is another thing to learn and navigate. It isn't very pretty to look at.
More on Google Reader
I find Google reader really easy, I thought that the feeds would be sent straight into my gmail account, I use my Gmail more for an address I give out when I am subscribing to a website or trademe, shop undates etc kind've as a junk interest folder rather than personal emails, I use hotmail for that but it is really great to have one log in for google reader, gmail and blogger. It is good not having my gmail crammed up with RSS feeds but to have a separate folder in google reader and to have the option to go there or not and read them. But it is excellent getting the updates especially on the blogs in my general list not just my favourites.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Bloglines vs Google Reader
I am just up to the RSS feeds module now, I joined both of the above and since I already have google accounts for Gmail and Blogger, it is much easier to stick to what I know, Google reader has already transferred all the blogs I currently follow into my reader account so it already looks familiar to me, Bloglines personally I found a waste of time. Also I think the layout is better in Google I am just such a Google fan.
Social Networks Module Debrief
Well I am going to stick to Facebook, I definately find it more fun than twitter. It was interesting to read about the networks, I think this is going to be an ever expanding thing, But is it easier to be on just one than on every network. I joined Ning and it was interesting reading about how we all ended up at Christchurch City Libraries.
Tribute to Pia Jane Bijkerk
I first got into Blogging when a great friend at work introduced me to dear sweet lovely Pia, who is fortunate to live between Sydney, Paris and Amsterdam, she lives on a house boat in Amsterdam with her French boy as she calls him, her photography and creatatvity inspire me and liven up my day, I also like taking photos of shop windows see picture below. I am impressed with the creativity of Aussies out there. Check out her lastest post. She also has cool music to serenade you as you wander through the blog.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I found the module on Flickr great, it was awesome to be able to search for images and then post them straight into my blog, choosing the layout was really cool too. I found the instructions for signing up and linking to my blog fairly straight forward, although I now have email accounts with Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo and Outlook Express as well as my Blogger accounts one on Wordpress and 2 on Blogger although this is the only active one know. I found uploading to the CCL stream a bit more confusing, it will be interesting to see how I get on uploading my own images to Flickr, I like the montage function. I am not sure what the copyright issues are for blogging and using other peoples images from Flickr or blogs. Having so many different windows open and waiting for uploading makes me a bit dizzzy at times. One more things I am not sure what the Gadget Flickr does and if that will link my photos straight into my Blog, not sure if any of you out there know? Final thoughts I have used Picasa and like going straight from there into Paint.net to crop and change images but I'm not sure whether to continue with Picasa or Flickr?.
Eiffel Power, originally uploaded by Gregory Bastien.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I have been a Facebooker since my sister was travelling in South America and uploading all her photos and updates to facebook, it was the first social networking site I joined, didn't really see the point in myspace, who would want to put all there information out there for all the world to see, it seemed to me very teenage and egocentric, however I liked the photo function of Facebook and it has become a daily ritual for me. I love seeing what other people are up too, especially great for keeping up with overseas friends. I started off making friends with everyone I could to get my friends numbers up there but then soon realised i wasn't interested in all the updates and quizzes so reduced my list down to only real friends who I would acutually be pleased to see and talk to in the street. When I was travelling in Europe it was a great comfort , also was a one stop shop for photos, updates and online chat. Sometimes I get frustrated with it especially as it is an excellent timewaister. I am more of a watcher than an active facebooker, I hardly ever update picutres or write what I am doing though I do occasionally comment on peoples picutres and write on friends walls, a great cheaper alternative to text.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
CCLearn and PURR
Well, I have not been able to get back here again until now, I am keen to get on with more learning and blogging which I have been enjoying, but like some of you I have forgotten my username and password again so can't get into LAMS. I get impatient with these kind of blocks but it is all the more satisfying overcoming the obstacles along the way. Some people have been very co-operative with sending me links to there blogs and I have noticed some people have already found me. I have spent the first two days of this week at the Canterbury Medical Library http://www.chmeds.ac.nz/departments/library/about.htm as part of PURR ( Professionals Unleashed for Refreshment and Reflection) it was an interesting time observing the teaching role of reference librarians. I spent time speaking to different staff members about their roles and trying to put all the pieces of information together to form a cohesive picture. I have had a few transport issues lately but that is all behind me for now thankfully.
Friday, August 14, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
week one was important, setting up the modules for the coming weeks, looking forward to all the learning I am going to do.
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